I want to do a loan modification and keep my house. How does The Loan Modification Grant work?

I want to do a loan modification and keep my house. How does The Loan Modification Grant work?

A Loan Modification Grant is given to Homeowners who qualify for The Program and decide to apply for a loan modification after a Homeowner Advocacy Meeting. Like many homeowners facing foreclosure, you may want to modify your current loan and continue to keep and/or live in your property. The company does not do loan modifications. You will be referred to a participating law firm and the Company will cover the 100% of legal fees. Your Homeowner Advocate will coordinate all the details for you. Contact your Homeowner Advocate today to schedule a Homeowner Advocacy Meeting.

It’s important to keep in mind there is no guarantee you will qualify or be approved for a loan modification.

Speak directly with the Homeowner Advocate assigned to your property. Your Homeowner Advocate can get you access to critical resources and assistance including monetary and other options specific to your property. The program is privately funded and provided at no cost to participating New York Homeowners.

  • Click Here to speak with a Homeowner Advocate, 800-883-4140
  • Click on the Chat icon below to connect with a Homeowner Advocate

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